Monday, 17 October 2011

Pork Chops - Third batch

Because all the greedy pigs ate all the pig leg yesterday, there was no left over meat. However there was plenty of leftover vegetables for bubble and squeak (a.k.a squbble) so two more Pork Chops were removed from the freezer to have with.

The perfectly OK but nothing special Pork Chop, alongside the underwhelming squbble

The chops were seasoned and fried in olive oil - with the scissored up vegetables and apples thrown in the pan once they were basically cooked. Mrs Yorkshire's Yorkshire puddings were ovened and some extra red wine and water was added to the bit of gravy left from yesterday. Cold Paxo balls were sat next to everything on the plate.

Hate to say it but a tad on the dull side. Squbble was a bit boring, with none of the flavours of the component parts really coming through. Meat was OK, if nothing special particularly. Fat a bit chewy. 6.7 out of 10.

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